Self Care…

As a busy mother, devoted wife, and ambitious entrepreneur, finding time for self-care can be incredibly challenging. Juggling responsibilities such as attending my children's games and practices, cooking meals for my family, managing our businesses, and being an actively engaged parent, leaves me little room to pause, take a break and just focus on my own well-being. Honestly, there are moments when I feel overwhelmed and tempted to give up, thinking that I simply can't handle it all. But, I quickly remind myself of the important lessons that I am teaching my children through my own actions.

By prioritizing self-care, I am showing them that it is essential to take care of yourself in order to effectively care for others, including our family, our businesses, and our household. This lesson becomes even more significant because I am a Black woman. I believe that by taking care of my appearance, I am representing myself authentically and showcasing my true self to the world. I strive to present myself in a way that displays confidence, professionalism, and personal wellness are qualities that I want others to recognize when they see me.

Regardless of the chaos and demands of life, I have come to realize the importance of carving out time for self-care. It is not only necessary for my own physical and mental well-being, but also for the overall health and harmony of my family. When I neglect myself and become depleted, I am unable to give my best self to those I love and everything I am involved in.

Despite the challenges and constant demands of my roles as a mother, wife, and entrepreneur, I have learned that making self-care a priority is not selfish, but rather a necessary act of self-preservation. It allows me to show up fully for my family, our businesses, and myself. It is in these moments of self-care that I find solace, strength, and the ability to continue thriving in all aspects of my life.

So, I encourage everyone, no matter how busy or chaotic life may seem, to carve out time for yourself. Whether it's just a few minutes each day or longer periods of dedicated self-care, make it a non-negotiable part of your routine. Embrace the understanding that taking care of yourself is not a luxury, but an essential foundation for a fulfilling life. Remember, by prioritizing self-care, you can truly show up as your best self in every aspect of your life.



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