Falling out with Family…

Falling out with family can be hard. It is a challenging situation to navigate, especially when individuals within a family unit have strong opinions and are not afraid to voice them, even when it's uncomfortable to hear. Despite the love that binds you, confronting toxic dynamics can be overwhelming. In my case, navigating family dynamics is particularly complex. My mother, with her five daughters and one son, forms the core of our family. However, when you add in my aunt, her two daughters, and son, along with my children and all my nieces and nephews, as well as our grandmother and uncle, not to mention our spouses, the family unit expands into a multitude of voices and perspectives, each one echoing loudly in our interactions. Unfortunately, this shit load of opinions often leads to conflicts and misunderstandings within the family, causing rifts that strain relationships. For me, the decision to physically distance myself by moving far away from home was a necessary step to preserve my mental and emotional well-being. Despite my physical absence, the invisible ties of familial bonds continue to tug at my heart, drawing me back into the web of familial complexities. It is a bittersweet realization that distance does not always equal detachment, as the emotional weight of familial expectations and tensions lingers across miles. Within my family, there is a pattern of behavior where disagreements lead to individuals being ostracized until the need for assistance arises once more. I have found myself on the receiving end of this behavior more often than not, and while I have learned not to take it to heart, I can't help but notice the irony in their assumptions about my reactions. They fail to see that my life choices, made with the intention of securing a better future for myself and my immediate family, are met with resentment rather than support. Despite the adversity, my love for my family remains unwavering. It is rooted in a deep-seated desire to see everyone happy and thriving, to see each individual within my vast family circle rise to their fullest potential. Even as I navigate these tumultuous waters of familial discord, I hold onto the hope that someday, understanding and acceptance will bridge the divide, fostering a sense of unity and mutual respect. In the face of adversity, I choose to remain steadfast in my love and belief that better days lie ahead for my family, even when the present is fraught with challenges.



Mad or Nah?


Self Care…