
As a dedicated mother, I fully embrace the immense responsibility that comes with managing the needs and well-being of my entire family. Even though my role as a mom presents its challenges, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. The ability to effortlessly slip into mommy mode is truly a gift, allowing me to effortlessly juggle multiple tasks and activities simultaneously. It almost feels like having a superpower - a unique talent that empowers me to excel in various aspects of my life.

From overseeing my children's sports endeavors to successfully running my lash business, supporting my husband's football and basketball teams, and managing our training facility, my days are constantly filled with action and moving from one task to another. Despite the busyness, I always make sure to carve out time to prepare dinner and tend to the needs of our home, all while maintaining the high energy of being in full mommy mode.

Witnessing my children succeed and stand out in their respective sports brings me immense joy and pride. Being able to nurture their talents and support them as they exceed their own expectations is truly a rewarding experience that continuously fuels my passion for being the best mom I can be.



Mommy/Daughter Bonding…

