
Dear First Born Son,

I wanted to take the time to dedicate this post to you and shed light on the unique challenges and responsibilities that come with being the oldest child in a family. As a fellow firstborn, I understand the unspoken weight that the title carries, the pressure of setting the standard, being the pillar of strength, the most responsible one, and always putting others' needs ahead of your own. It can be tough being the trailblazer, having to navigate uncharted territory without the guidance of older siblings to lean on or show the way. So, I want to reassure you that despite the hardships, your role as the oldest is invaluable.

Every decision you make, every path you forge, paves the way for your younger siblings, even though they might not always express their gratitude outwardly. Your sacrifices and dedication to leading by example do not go unnoticed, and in the future, they will look back and appreciate all that you have done for them. The burden of being the oldest may feel overwhelming at times, but remember that it is a badge of honor that not everyone gets to wear.

Embrace your role with pride and continue to be the guiding light for your siblings, as your influence on their lives is profound and lasting. Your strength, resilience, and selflessness are qualities that will shape not only your own character but also that of your siblings. So, as you navigate the challenges of being the oldest, know that your efforts are seen and valued, and your role is instrumental in shaping the family dynamics for the better. Love Mommy!




