Sibling Age Gaps…

The age difference between siblings plays a significant role in shaping the dynamic between children and how they interact with each other. In my own family, I have noticed that the varying ages of my kids contribute a lot to the way they handle conflicts and disagreements. Despite their differences, my children never fail to amuse me with their antics. For instance, my youngest without fail thinks he is the one calling the shots, only to be quickly put in his place by the older two. Meanwhile, my daughter mirrors my assertiveness by taking charge and bossing her brothers around. On the other hand, my eldest child remains the calm and composed one, letting things slide with an easygoing demeanor.

In my family, the age hierarchy is quite apparent, with CJ as the oldest, followed closely by Kaylei with just over a year’s gap, and then Kaso who is seven years younger. It's fascinating to observe how they navigate their relationships and resolve conflicts given their varying personalities and preferences. As the only girl and in the middle of the siblings, my daughter cleverly uses this position to her advantage, skillfully balancing care with mischief. Having six siblings myself and being the eldest, I always cherished the responsibility that came with guiding my younger brothers and sisters through life.

As teenagers, CJ and Kaylei have entered a new phase of life, contrasting sharply with Kaso, who is a young nine-year-old with a different perspective. However, their shared passion for sports acts as a unifying force, bringing them together through training sessions where they support and challenge each other to excel. The bond they develop through their shared love of sports transcends their age differences, creating a unique camaraderie that strengthens their relationships and adds depth to their interactions.



Sweet Xena…


Happy Birthday My King…