Happy Birthday Kaso…

9 years ago, you entered my life like a ray of sunshine (9 days late may I add), filling my heart with an indescribable love that instantly completed our little family. Since that moment, watching you evolve into the incredible person you are today has been a joyous journey that I cherish beyond words. I am eternally thankful for your presence in my life, my dear sweet Kaisen Rueben Thornton. As you celebrate your 9th birthday, know that you hold a special place in my heart that no one else can fill. Your unique personality, characterized by your refreshing honesty, insatiable curiosity, and unwavering compassion towards others, captivates me every day. Your positive outlook on life is a beacon of light in this world, and I admire your ability to see the good in everything. Kaso, my little champion, always remember to pursue your dreams fearlessly, express your thoughts boldly, and remain true to yourself, for you are truly extraordinary. Your passion and talent in sports are remarkable, so keep striving for excellence, knowing that your dedication will lead you to great success. Embrace your interests wholeheartedly, as they hold the key to a fulfilling future where you can turn your passion into a rewarding career. I adore you more than words can express, Kaisen. May your birthday be filled with endless joy and love. Happy Birthday!

XOXO Kaye,


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