Dear Kaylei

To my beautiful daughter KAYLEI BREHANN, always remember this: you possess immense courage, unwavering capability, undeniable beauty, and an indomitable spirit that can overcome any obstacle and achieve any dream your heart desires. As your loving mother, I want to express just how incredibly proud I am of you. Your presence in my life fills me with an overwhelming sense of gratitude, as you are not only amazing and intelligent, but also incredibly talented and destined for magnificent things beyond your current imagination. It fills me with joy to share with the world how deeply proud I am of you. Each passing day, you grow into a more radiant young lady, and I am humbled and grateful that God has entrusted me with the privilege of being your mother. Over the span of recent years, your presence in the field of sports has been awe-inspiring, as you consistently display growth, maturity, and an unwavering dedication. Through your actions, you have shown me that there is nothing in this world that can stand in the way of your accomplishments when you set your mind to it. One particular moment that stands out to me is when you undertook the incredible endeavor of teaching yourself to play the piano. This demonstration of determination and self-teaching revealed your unique and flawless nature, confirming that you are an extraordinary masterpiece carefully chosen by God. I implore you to continue pushing yourself and pursuing your goals with unwavering tenacity, for I have no doubt that you will ultimately reach your desired destination, my dear baby girl. As your mother, I am here to support you every step of the way and to remind you just how deeply I love you, Kaylei Brehann Thornton. It is my hope that you boldly reveal to the world the extraordinary person you are and become a shining example of greatness.

Love Always



For My Husband…


Intro… The Beginning!