Breaking Generational Curses…

Breaking generational curses is a powerful and transformative journey that goes beyond simply dispelling an inherited curse. These curses can manifest in various forms: ingrained behaviors, detrimental habits, or intergenerational patterns that shape the experiences of future descendants. Recognizing this, I have made a conscious choice not to perpetuate the cycle of poverty within my family. Through dedicated effort, My husband and I strive to create a secure and prosperous environment for our children, free from the burden of financial hardship. Moreover, I am determined to break the cycle of emotional brokenness that has plagued previous generations. It is my fervent desire to shield my children from the emotional scars and pain that I have endured. Despite my deep affection for my family, I refuse to allow my children to grapple with unresolved childhood traumas in their adult lives. I am keenly aware that true transformation begins with me, and I am committed to initiating positive change that will resonate through the generations yet to come.



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Kaylei’s Homemade Buffalo Chicken Bites…